Industrial Manufacturing

Some examples of Industrial Manufacturing processing on materials, from which it is possible to highlight the precision of the cuts and the particular care of the design, together with the wide range of applications, in the different types of material, makes FCF workings leader in its sector, thanks to waterjet technology, die cutting, vibrating blade cutting and cnc cutters.

The entire machine park and the versatility of the technologies adopted, allows to work a vast range of materials:

  • Marbles
  • Glass
  • Metals
  • Plastics
  • Tires
  • Polyurethanes

Choose the material to work!

Thanks to the programs, autocad 2 / 3d and magic tool, available at our technical office it is possible to carry out simulations of the requested processing and to make an offer in real time, simply by sending a file or drawing via e-mail.

Experience, professionalism, technology, speed, quality present in our DNA.

Contact, we will be happy to listen to your requests and clarify any doubts.

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